Combined Clinical Trials on Medicinal Product and Device

In this context, a combination study means a clinical trial on medicinal product in accordance with the Clinical Triasl Regulation (536/2014), which combines a medical device study in accordance with the MD Regulation (2017/745) or an in vitro diagnostic device study in accordance with the IVD Regulation (2017/746).

Please note the following:

  • The medical device related documentation should be submitted simultaneously with the clinical trial on medicinal product
  • Documents with identical content should not be submitted twice

Documents to be submitted:

  • Signed cover letter (incl. EU CT number and a list of attachments)
  • Investigator’s Brochure (IB) concerning the medical device
  • Protocol for medical device (if separate)
  • Protocol summary for medical device (if separate)
  • Information sheet and informed consent form and possible other material given to the research subject (if separate) 

The form functions only with the Chrome or Firefox browsers. The language of the form can be changed to English from the language menu. 

Application for ethics review of clinical trial on medicinal device (combined clinical trial on medicinal product and device)


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