Administrative Review Division
The separate Administrative Review Division of the National Committee on Medical Research Ethics (Tukija) has been appointed for 4 year term from January 31, 2022 onwards (2022-2026).
The division consists of a chairman and one vice-chairman, as well as nine members and four alternates. The division is a separate, independent executive body of Tukija.
The Administrative Review Division is responsible for dealing with requests for administrative review of rejection decisions (i.e. negative opinions) issued by Regional Committees on Medical Research Ethics. The division assesses the requests for administrative review in accordance with the Medical Research Act (488/1999, as amended).
There is no charge for processing requests.
Members of the Administrative Review Division 2022-2026
The chairman of the committee for the period 31 January 2022 - 30 January 2026 is Miia Turpeinen (M.D., PhD) and the vice chairman is Markus Perola (M.D., PhD).
Aittomäki Kristiina, LT
Halkoaho Arja, TtT
Kataja Vesa, LT
Kattelus Mervi, OTK/OTM
Manninen Riikka-Leena, YTM
Miettunen Jouko, FT
Paavonen Timo, LKT
Takala Tuija, FT
Tran Minh Mirjami, FM
Auvinen Anssi, LT
Axelin Anna, TtT
Ikävalko Anu, OTK/OTM
Kiiskinen Nadja, DI
Kääriäinen Helena, EL